Upcycling And Recycling Your Old Clothing

If you have recently cleaned out your house and you have a lot of old clothing that you need to get rid of but you do not know what to do with them because they are not in wearable condition, you should consider upcycling them and repurposing them to create new things that you can use in your home. One of the best things you can do for the environment is to reduce consumption by reusing things. You can not only save money but also teach others the importance of this.

Learning to repurpose old belongings

If you have a lot of old clothing, you could consider making some really cute designer rugs http://rugsdirect.com.au/ out of them for your home. There are many tutorials online that will show you how to make these and they will look unique and make your home look extremely vibrant and fancy. It is not just rugs that you can make. You can make beautiful table runners and table clothes for your dining table or even new curtains out of old cloth and clothing.

If you manage to make a lot more than you can use in your home, you could even consider hosting an online persian rugs at Rugs Direct where you can sell your beautiful creations with an explanation as to what they are and their impact on the environment. Use your new products to help create an awareness about clothing and recycling. You can educate people on the impact of clothing and fashion on the environment due to the sheer amount of clothes that are disposed of in landfills on a daily basis because of changing fashions.

If you are passionate activist, you could even use your products to collect money for more activism. Sell your products at a low cost with an explanation as to what they are and collect money to spread awareness online and by giving out booklets and leaflets explaining the impact of human consumption on the environment.

You could even start collecting people’s old clothing that they want to get rid of and use these too to make new things out of them. It is not just rugs that you can make from old clothes. In fact, you can use the material in old clothes to make brand new clothes that look fancy and unusual. One thing that you could do is to have competitions that challenge people to put their old things to use by creating new things out of them and giving out prizes to people that create the most beautiful and creative things.